Easy Lover / Phil Collins & Philip Bailey

ここ何年かはPhilip Baileyがソロで歌っていたので、最近でも耳にした人は多いと思う。
もとはPhil Collinsとのデュエットで大ヒットした曲。
PhilのハスキーなボイスとPhilip Baileyのゴスペル仕込みの高音がなんとも言えないハーモニーを奏でている。
デュオのこれを聴いたことがある人なら、Philipがソロで歌う“Easy Lover”は少し物足りないかもしれない。

Phil Collinsは英国長者番付にも名を連ねるほどの大スター。昔はGenesisというバンドを率いていた。
一方、Philip Baileyは EW&F以後、ブレイクしたのがこの曲ぐらいで、今(90年代の終わり)では日本での活動の方が目立っている。“Easy Lover”を売りにしてクラブシーンに入り込んでいる状態で、ダンスクラッシックを懐かしむアダルト世代と、オールディズを好む若者世代の心をつかむのが狙いのようだ。EW&Fのときでもサブ的なものが多く、ボーカルはMaurice Whiteがメインだった。

視聴 You Tube

Easy lover, she'll get a hold on you believe it
Like no other, before you know it you'll be on your knees
She's an easy lover, she'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other, and I'm just trying to make you see

She's the kind of girl you dream of, dream of keeping hold of
You'd better forget it, you'll never get it
She will play around and leave you, leave you and deceive you
Better forget it, oh you'll regret it

No you'll never change her, so leave it, leave it
Get out quick 'cause seeing is believing
It's the only way you'll ever know

Easy lover, she'll get a hold on you believe it
Like no other, before you know it you'll be on your knees
She's an easy lover, she'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other, and I'm just trying to make you see

You're the one that wants to hold her, hold her and control her
You'd better forget it, you'll never get it
For she'll say there's no other, till she finds another
Better forget it, oh you'll regret it

And don't try to change her, just leave it, leave it
You're not the only one, ooh seeing is believing
It's the only way you'll ever know, oh

No don't try to change her, just leave it, leave it
You're not the only one, ooh seeing is believing
It's the only way you'll ever know, oh

Easy lover, she'll get a hold on you believe it
Like no other, before you know it you'll be on your knees
She's an easy lover, she'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other, and I'm just trying to make you see

Easy lover, she'll get a hold on you believe it
Like no other, before you know it you'll be on your knees
She's an easy lover, she'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other, and I'm just trying to make you see

〜Easy Lover 〜

当時はMichael Jackson &Paul McCartneyなどもそうだが、ロックミュージシャンと黒人アーチストのデュオがわりと多かった。

Philではなく、Philip Baileyのアルバム【Chinese Wall】に収録。

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